The other day, my daughter Shane asked my help in doing her school project wherein they need to create their own ten (10) commandments of learning.
According to her, she needs to write it first on a coupon bond and their teacher will check it before putting in a one-eight 1/8 illustration board. This set of commandments will serve as reminders for them and could also be their simple guide when it comes to proper learning practices.
This is a simple homework that catches my attention and I’m sharing this because it might also help in giving instructions to your kids in a childlike and interesting way that they will surely keep and enjoy following.
We reviewed together the 10 Commandments of God for reference and arrived to the following:
1. You shall have no other tasks before homework or school projects.
2. You shall not make yourself an idol of Facebook or any social networking sites.
3. You shall not misuse your study time.
4. Have a recap of your lessons by studying your daily notes after doing homework to take part in your next day class activities and recitation.
(I reminded her that this way she will always be ready for surprise quizzes, seat works and graded recitations).
5. Honor your father and mother also by studying very well.
6. You shall not murder your books, notebooks, etc. by throwing or striking them against the wall or floor or simply by not using them.
7. You shall not commit having a romantic relationship while still studying or have graduated from college.
8. You shall not steal your classmate’s answers either in homework, quizzes or seat works.
9. You shall not fake your home works & school projects by asking or letting others do it for you.
10. You shall not covet your classmates’ ideas on school works and/or projects.

I hope she and other kids will also follow this Ten Commandments of Learning.
Hahahaha! Love number 6! I may have done this so many times way way back! LOL
Thanks, The Vanilla Housewife! Me, too! I must admit that I am guilty of number 6 as well, somehow during my school life hahaha
I could use this as well, not just for the students! I get easily distracted at home, and it’s always Facebooks fault!
Now this is really nice! I wish I had this around when my kids were learning, #3 resonate with me a lot during my kid’s school time studies.
I’m hoping this is a joke as some of these are bit toxic and overbearing.
These are great commandments for learning. There were quite a few useful ones that I am sure will come in handy for good grades going forward.
I need to print this for my kids. They need to follow some of these.
That’s a creative and fun assignment! I think this could last all through her life. #6 though. Wishful thinking, momma. 🙂
haha I love commandment number 6. A lot of us can relate to it. I am guilty of this too,.
These are all good points. My children do their homework straight away when they get home. They’ve been taught to do this as a rule.
I love this idea! I should have my daughter do this now that she’s getting older and homework is more serious. The social media commandment is very important!
I totally love these. My childrem do not have task/chores before homework or school projects are complete.
I wish I could get the kids in my class to listen to number eight. I have had more teachers this year than in my whole history of teaching.
wow! This is awesome. Wise words! It’s an example for other kids.
This is a great list for parenting with the little ones and will be sharing this post with my brother as he can use these tips with his daughter 😉 Thank you for sharing!